
     Acoustics is the study of sound, more specifically, the study of the propogation of energy through matter in the form of vibrational waves. This science is studied by both musicians and engineers, and has concepts applied in architecture, structural and civil engineering, marine biology, and of course physics!
     Because if its interdisciplinary nature, these many of the things around you are a product of acoustical engineering. The headphones on your walkman were specially designed to synthesize harmonics to simulate bass sounds meant for high-end speakers. Your local movie theater was designed by one of these engineers to provide an ideal mix of direct sound, initial reflections, and reverberations for that situation. Here are some explorations into the areas of acoustics. Turn on your computer's sound; these have QuickTime audio.

Beat Frequency
      When two slightly different frequencies of sound combine, they form a signal with a series of audible "beats." This page will tell you why these "beats" emerge, and how we can predict the beat frequency. (How many beats we hear per second)  
Updated 7/20/99

Doppler Effect
      When there is relative motion between the source of a sound and a listener to that sound, the pitch perceived by the listener is different from the actual pitch emitted by the source. How can we explain this phenomenon and predict its effects?  
Updated 7/20/99