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Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!: Adventures of a Curious Character
Edward Hutchings (Editor), Ralph Leighton, Richard Phillips Feynman, Albert Hibbs (Introduction)
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Publisher's price: $13.95's price: $11.16
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Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company
Published: 1997

350 Pages

Official Reviews
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Science Digest
Reader from Boston, 6/6/99
Reader from Tel-Aviv, 4/17/99
Reader from New York, 6/24/98

From the Publisher :
    In a hugely popular best-seller, the late Nobel Prize-winning physicist recounts in his own inimitable style exchanging ideas on atomic physics with Alfred Einstein, painting a naked toreador, and accompanying a ballet on his bongo drums. Reviewer
    A series of anecdotes shouldn't by rights add up to an autobiography, but that's just one of the many pieces of received wisdom that Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman (1918-88) cheerfully ignores in his engagingly eccentric book, a bestseller ever since its initial publication in 1985. Fiercely independent (read the chapter entitled "Judging Books by Their Covers"), intolerant of stupidity even when it comes packaged as high intellectualism (check out "Is Electricity Fire?"), unafraid to offend (see "You Just Ask Them?"), Feynman informs by entertaining. It's possible to enjoy Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman simply as a bunch of hilarious yarns with the smart-alecky author as know-it-all hero. At some point, however, attentive readers realize that underneath all the merriment simmers a running commentary on what constitutes authentic knowledge: learning by understanding, not by rote; refusal to give up on seemingly insoluble problems; and total disrespect for fancy ideas that have no grounding in the real world. Feynman himself had all these qualities in spades, and they come through with vigor and verve in his no-bull prose. No wonder his students--and readers around the world--adored him. --Wendy Smith
Science Digest
    Buzzing with energy, anecdote and life. It almost makes you want to become a physicist.
Reader from Boston
    Recently, during a course in Quantum Mechanics, my professor suggested reading this book and I feel that my life has a new meaning now. Richard Feynman was a true genius and anyone remotely interested in the field or the man must read this book. Feynman's autobiography brings to light an amazing man who fixes radios since he was ten, who cracks safes, who can smell like a dog, does tricks like a conjurer and even picks rooms directly opposite to the girls' dormitory!!! One of the most brilliant minds of twentieth century, the autobiography also portrays him as a human being who didnt do extraordinary things but ordinary things extraordinarily well. A must read for students or even for ordinary people because the book also shows that human capability is in the will and the mind. We set boundaries and limitations to our abilities ourselves not bothering to think that we are capable of a lot more if we put ourselves to the task. For a more scientific approach to his work, you may wish to read the book, 'QED' which has a series of his lectures at Caltech for the general public and the famed 'Feynman's Lectures on Physics' his lectures in college physics at Caltech during 1965-66.
Reader from Israel
    Mr. Feynman's passion for life in general, and for science in particular, is truly inspirational. It is always difficult for a scientist to explain and express her/his passion for physics or mathematics to someone who has no scientific background. It is rather like a music lover trying to explain the genius of Mozart to the deaf. But that's exactly what Feynman does in this book, by intertwining the scientific and the not-so-scientific aspects of his life. Anyone, scientist or not, is sure to enjoy the humour and adventure in this collection of stories. But underlying these honest and often hysterical anecdotes are some fundamental truths about science and education, which apply to many aspects of our lives. Time and again, Feynman has you nodding your head and doubling over with laughter as he insists on pointing out the obvious, refuses to play along with absurd social norms, and just keeps on doing it his own way. (If you enjoyed this book, you are sure to enjoy Feynman's "What Do YOU Care What Other People Think?")
Reader from New York
    Don't be misled into thinking the "Curious" in the sub-title of this book means "strange." The word is meant to be taken literally, for indeed Feynman was curious about everything in the world around him. Surely one of the most gifted physicists of our time, Feynman won the Nobel proze for Physics in 1965. Feynman talks about boyhood adventures fixing radios, and then goes on to speak about his work on the Manhattan project, his meetings with Bohr, Einstein and Oppenheimer, and various other adventures in his personal and professional life. This book will have you laughing out loud even if you do not understand anything about quantum mechanics. Especially interesting is the chapter titled "Safecracker meets Safecracker."